Addition of Similar Digit with Decimal Numbers Shortcut tricks
Addition of Decimal Numbers
0.5+0.55+0.555 = ?
The result of the addition is 0.5+0.55+0.555 = 1.605.
Shortcut Tricks
Step 1: Take 5 Common and Replace all 5 with 0.1, 5(0.1 + 0.11 + 0.111).
Step 2: Replace (0.1+0.11+0.111) into 0.321 and Multiply 5(0.321) = 1.605
The final result is 1.605.
Addition of Decimal Numbers
0.6+0.66+0.666 = ?
The result of the addition is 0.6+0.66+0.666 = 1.926.
Shortcut Tricks
Step 1:Take 6 Common and Replace all 6 with 0.1, 6(0.1 + 0.11 + 0.111).
Step 2:Replace (0.1+0.11+0.111) into 0.321 and Multiply 6(0.321) = 1.926.
The final result is 1.926.
Addition of Decimal Numbers
0.7+0.77+0.777+0.7777 = ?
The result of the addition is 0.7+0.77+0.777+0.7777 = 3.0247.
Shortcut Tricks
Step 1:Take 7 Common and Replace all 7 with 0.1, 7(0.1 + 0.11 + 0.111 + 0.1111).
Step 2:Replace (0.1+0.11+0.111+0.1111) into 0.4321 and Multiply 7(0.4321) = 3.0247.
The final result is 3.0247.
Addition of Decimal Numbers
0.9+0.99+0.999+0.9999+0.99999 = ?
The result of the addition is 0.9+0.99+0.999+0.9999+0.99999 = 4.88889.
Shortcut Tricks
Step 1:Take 9 Common and Replace all 9 with 0.1, 9(0.1 + 0.11 + 0.111 + 0.1111+0.11111).
Step 2:Replace (0.1+0.11+0.111+0.1111+0.11111) into 0.54321 and Multiply 9(0.54321) = 4.88889.
The final result is 4.88889.